Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So yesterday I went on and on about how wonderful Archer is now.  This morning I woke up and it looked like a hurricane had happened in my living room because SOMEONE decided to tear up 2 paper towel rolls and SOMEONE decided to steal a bag of craisins too.  BAD BAD DOG!  :)


  1. This is why I never brag. I've been bitten by "oh, look how good the kids are playing!", "I'm so glad it's a nice, relaxing day today" and "My kids get straight A's and never get in trouble with the law". :)

  2. Haha! He is such a silly goose! He's been downgraded to having to stay in the crate when I'm gone now!

  3. Obviously you were slack in not assigning him a job for the morning so he had to come up with one all on his own! You know that children don't always make the wisest choices when they don't have parental guidance! ;)

  4. Yes, I am partially attributing it to us not having training on Sunday, and me being a bad bad mom and not taking him for a walk during the beginning of this week! Both Jake and I would love to be a fly on the wall while we're gone so we can see the destruction process! I'm sure it would be impressive to watch.

  5. And the craisins were so that he would have some fruit to go along with his fiber... he's a VERY smart dog. :)
