First, here are some pictures of my lovely, lovely orchid blossoms!
Aren't they pretty! You can see the buds in the background, but here's a close up of what they look like:
Grainy, I know, but my camera refused to focus on them!
Today I repotted (for the first time, ever) the other orchid that I've got. It suffered some neglect at the other house (getting knocked out of it's pot by a dog, not getting watered regularly, etc) and it did not look pretty.
That last picture is upside down, but I can't fix it. Poor thing was falling out of it's little planter, it wouldn't stay in! So, I got it a bigger one, and some new orchid potting soil!
In the new, bigger, planter
In it's pot! It looks happier, I think.
Also, I got a new bucket (the one I bought last week was defective!) to water the hanging orchid in. Hanging orchids are different, they need to be submerged in water about once a week instead of being watered from above. My new bucket:
It works well! Before I watered my orchid, I trimmed all of the dead pieces off of it, because I didn't see the point of keeping them. It looked pretty raggedy...
This is after I watered it...I let it sit on the tray for a few minutes to catch any excess water that would drip out.
Then, I hung them both up again!
It looks dark in the bathroom, but it's actually not! It was just raining outside at this point...
Oh, I also bought a spray bottle so I can spray them, so they'll have a bit more humidity.
I love them, they're so fun!
I'm glad to see that you're taking such good care of Nana's orchids, even rescuing them when they're in distress! One of my Nana orchids, an encyclia, has a flower spike that's starting to split into recognizable buds. I'm really envious of you, Claire, and Aunt Yvette since your plants are so far ahead of mine. I'll send a photo around when it finally blooms.