Monday, April 2, 2012


I lost 5 pounds! I still need to lose a lot more, but I feel a lot more comfortable with the idea of hanging out at the pool in Vegas now!  woohoo!

I'm starting a program called Brazil Butt Lift in about 2 weeks...very excited about that!  It's a 90 day challenge so I should look pretty good when I head home in August to go to the beach!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


He's such a goofball! Puppies are the biggest pains in the world, but also such a joy!  I have a love/hate relationship with him...I love him all the time but I hate how he wants to chew on everything (including me!).

He's gained almost 10 pounds since we've had him!  And everyday I wake up, and he looks taller!